Test & Training Center
The Test & Training Center is the place where quality is safeguarded and knowledge is shared. It is the facility we use to carry out quality inspections on our Phantom tools continuously. We use our Walter-Helicheck to measure our quality tools. At our DMG machining center, we can check the quality of our tools on a completely independent basis.
More importantly, the Test & Training Center is the place where specialistic knowledge is shared with you. One of the ways in which we share our knowledge with you is by offering a varied range of trainings and training programmes. That way, we can make sure that both production and distribution can benefit from the expertise we have built up over the years.
Our Test & Training Centre allows us to carry out quality inspections continuously and on an entirely independent basis. As a consequence, we can demonstrate the quality of our products in-house at any time. The Walter-Helicheck, which allows geometrics and tolerances to be measured within the range of micrometers, forms the basis upon which we operate. We also use and test our own tools at our CNC machining centre.
At our Test & Training Centre, we offer highly practice-oriented trainings. For the most important machining operations, we have developed training modules with various entry levels. Depending on a customer’s specific wishes, we can decide to work with a standard training module or provide a customised training programme.

Phantom provides technical support and accurate advice. In our own test and training center employees can be trained and tools can be tested on various materials at different conditions.